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Main » 2014 November 27 » Force [poem]18:58:32 Force [poem] |
today someone used the force the force is a way the way is only a way the objetive, the result, the ... I wanna do it even when it is bad, ....are the end
the ignorance is the force ...! ...(book quote) there are many ways of force everybody can use it in some ways the force is ok?
look those people someone says those guys are rude and bad there is not option only the force is the way
please forget the reasons look what is bad and what is good dont listen: "there is not option" dont justify the force
someone used the force that someone is happy ...nobody saw me ...I am safe, that says
God sees everything and if dont believe in it for sure you know science and the energy that remains bad, it will go aginst you
Like the divinity will judge
dont judge with the force! dont be something you are not even a judge can have mistakes we need to remember ...we are humans, with mistakes, not perfect.
the force exist, why against the same humans?
V 2014-11-06 |
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